Wednesday, October 12, 2011

First binary of WakeUpBuddy

I received the first binary for WakeUpBuddy (name to be changed) today and it was a good feeling. I had been dreaming about this app for almost a year now. It was good to see a working version, but few requirements were way off.

Looks like my request to integrate with Facebook using APIs was mis-interpreted as displaying Facebook page in safari browser. But after a couple of discussions, it is now sorted out. I guess challenges of working with remote developers. But these are the best developers, one can find and we are lucky to have an amazing team.

The news section didn't come out well, so I have asked it to be redesigned, the settings screen is yet to be designed. The Facebook integration was misunderstood. So overall, the framework is there, but different peaces need to be built and then integrated.

Unlike other projects, where we do detailed wireframes before starting the visual design and development, we decided to take a different approach. We took the continuous design approach, where we design minimalism wires and jumped right into visual design and development. We are building the requirements and design as we progress. This approach is being pushed to a large extend by ThoughtWorks and so far, I am impressed. It just requires a completely different thought process.

It is little harder than the regular SCRUM or waterfall, but it has so much room for innovation, as your whole project team can jump into the product discovery process. The discovery and development  happens simultaneously. I am not sure how scalable this model is, but for an innovation based project involving small team, it can work pretty well.

Anyways, will continue writing. Will post more pictures tomorrow.

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