Tuesday, January 25, 2011

User Interface Design vs. Visual Design

As a product manager, I have been reading a lot about design issues lately.It took me a long time to comprehend just how important(even more than engineering) design is for success of the product. No matter how great your engineering team is, it needs to be told on what to build.

I often debate what is more important, User Interface Design or Visual Design? Truth be told, both are equally important, but if I had to choose one, I would lean towards usability design. In essence the interaction of the user with your product and how easily he gets to do what he intends to do with the product is supremely important.

You could have an OK visual design, but a great user interface design and have a hit product on your hand. Good example is Google itself. But no matter how great your visual UI design is, if the product is not well designed for user interaction, it will not have a long shelf life.

I am trying to use many of these principles at Faqden Labs and I will continue writing about my experiences and thoughts.

If you are at MIT, 6.831 is an amazing course on User Interface Design( http://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.831/2011/handouts/gr1-analysis/gr1.shtml)

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