Sunday, March 7, 2010

What a week!

The week started with a phone call early Monday morning(early by MIT standards :)) from Sears HR who wanted to congratulate me for getting selected into their Technology leadership program internship. It was a pleasant news. Then I dragged myself to finally submit the business of software reaction paper 1 by the night. When I finally got to read the email sent by Sears, and found out the package, I was very excited with the offer. 

Tuesday, I had a meeting with Venture Capital for presenting my business idea. Although the meeting was disappointing, but it gave me a chance to meet the VC for the first time in my life. I submitted the Business Strategy assignment and also completed the E-Lab presentation PPT by the end of the day.

Wednesday started with the professor Cusumano basically telling our team, that the presentation we prepared for Friday was crap. While my team was scrambling to make the changes suggested, I was preparing for the E-Lab presentation. E-Lab presentation went decently well, with my team giving me a B+ for my presentation skills. It was my first presentation at MIT, so I was happy with that rating :). I was able to confidently answer all the questions. For some reason, I am not that confident on the stage, as I thought I was... maybe it was just MIT phobia :).

Thursday morning Business strategy class had Sear's CIO as the guest lecture. It was a very inspiring presentation. It was interesting to see how a company as bureaucratic as Sears is going through a transformation. I later had a 30 mins meeting with the CIO at 2:00 PM. I had mixed feelings about the meeting. It reminded me of the documentary of Winston Churchill and how he lost the election immediately after winning the world war II. 

Thursday evening professor Cusumano blasted our final version of the Friday's presentation. We slogged into the night, trying to make changes and finally at 11:00 PM our presentation was approved.  the Business of Software class; every one loved our presentation.The professor sent us an email praising  our work.

With that, my most hectic week at MIT finally ended... to celebrate my successful triumph during this week, I took a trip to Ithaca and drove for 12 hrs (6 hrs each way) and loved it.


  1. Hey Congratulations for the internship offer, I could easily make out that the package is really good :).
    Well done for B+ and of course, congratulations on your success with the Friday's presentation.
    All the best for the coming weeks.

  2. Thanks Vivek. It was a crazy week :). Hopefully next couple of weeks are going to be relatively free.
